Who we are

european economics emerged when community control of State aid became an economic matter.

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european economics : A recognised pure-player consultancy in public funding 

In 2005, under the impetus of the Competition Commissioner Mrs. Neelie Kroes, the European Commission launched a comprehensive reform of State aid, with the slogan “Fewer and more targeted State aids.” A major component of this reform was the definition and subsequent implementation of a refined economic approach in state aid law.

It finds its full expression in the context of the individual notification procedure with in-depth examination of aid measures by the European Commission under competition rules, which applies when a company receives significant aid – several tens of millions of euros – for a strategic project.

A history rooted at the heart of State aid

In 2007, Marc ISABELLE, a Supélec engineer, IFP School engineer, and PhD in economics, joined the AII (Agency for Industrial Innovation) and took in charge State aid notifications to the European Commission.

In this role, he actively contributed in shaping the new methods and economic tools applied to State aid within this renewed community framework.

To capitalise on the expertise developed during his numerous interactions with the European Commission in the field of community control of State aid, Marc Isabelle decided to create european economics in 2009.

european economics market experienced significant acceleration in 2018 with the implementation of IPCEIs, allowing the company to expand its operations throughout Europe.

Narjiss Haddaoui, graduated with a Master’s degree in International Business from Paris Dauphine, and with an extensive sales and marketing experience in the industry, has joined the entrepreneurial journey at that time as a partner, to structure european economics and enable it to make this growth turn. Bet won! european economics has managed to double its turnover every year since 2018.

Our expertise : A refined mastery of public funding

Public fundings are subject to specific regulations within the European Union, which constitute the fourth pillar of competition law, alongside the control of cartels, mergers, and abuses of dominant position. This regulation implements a refined economic approach, which is the DNA of our team of PhD in economics.

european economics, a specialised player in public funding, practices financial and regulatory engineering for strategic projects on a daily basis. Our team of economists is able to analyse the specific needs of each client and to propose innovative funding strategies.

A distinctive mark of credibility and influence

Our expertise is recognised on an international scale. Collaborating with us ensures you are proactive in your discussions with European, national, and regional public authorities.

european economics has built a strong reputation among the governments of many Member States, as well as with the State aid unit of the DG Competition in Brussels. This reputation stands as a strong endorsement of the credibility of our methods & approach.

Success in managing strategic projects

We have a 100 % success rate when it comes to notifying State aid to the European Commission.

We always have been successful in managing very large projects in complex environments involving multiple stakeholders: industrial companies, national public authorities and the European Commission.

Multicultural & highly qualified team of economists

Our team is composed of highly qualified PhDs that are passionate about economics. We master the refined economic approach in State aid law because we practice it every day.

Touch Point


Founder & Director

marc.isabelle@europeaneconomics.com. +33 6 73 11 61 09



narjiss.haddaoui@europeaneconomics.com +33 7 86 25 19 07



Project Director

Yasir KHAN

Junior Economic Consultant


Senior Economic Consultant


Economic Consultant


Senior Economic Consultant

PR, Communication and Marketing

Dyarriata BA

Marketing Manager | Digital Communication


Emmanuelle PÉREZ

Marketing Manager | Press Relations
